SymQuest Tech Talk

How MOBOTIX Security Systems Can Help Protect Your School Campus

Written by Peter Slabinski | August 06, 2020

School safety is, more than ever before, one of the main concerns for administrators and educational leaders. It just might be the most important concern.

But maintaining safety and health is complex and often confusing. There are numerous entry points, various threats to safety, and a growing concern for the health and wellbeing of students and staff members. These challenges can be overcome, but they require the right solution.

Fortunately, MOBOTIX helps solve these problems by providing advanced solutions for complex security problems.

Protecting Your School Campus with Intelligent Technology

Placing a camera at an entry point in your building or facility can be useful, but it remains a passive surveillance technique that does not actively alert administrators or security personnel to the entry of questionable or high-risk individuals. Implementing active protection can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Motion-Activation Helps Detect Intruders

Unlike standard security cameras that only produce a recording, MOBOTIX lets you know in real time whether someone has entered the building. You no longer have to constantly monitor the video feed.

With a MOBOTIX motion-activated camera, it is far easier to detect intruders and maintain consistent surveillance of entry points because of the full suite of motion-detecting technologies available to enhance your school’s security. A key feature for MOBOTIX systems include alert sensors, which are programmed to identify relevant activity without setting off an alarm based on size of motion. That means a person would alert the system, but a bird or wild deer would not.

Enhanced detection features can read:

  • Motion
  • Temperature
  • Noise Level
  • Brightness

Together, these features ensure ongoing security and protection from a variety of threats and concerns.

Thermal Imaging Can Be Implemented During Health Crises

It is crucial to maintain accurate knowledge of people’s health and wellbeing for educational facilities and institutions through the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond.

School campuses are often hotspots for any seasonal or infectious illness, but consistent thermal monitoring can start to change this pattern for good.

Protecting staff and students from an outbreak will be done through many methods, but a thermal imaging camera system can provide an overview perspective from a touchless vantage point. If someone is detected as having a higher temperature, further measures can be taken, including physically taking their temperatures and testing for diseases.

Thermal imaging is becoming an important, non-invasive way to protect health, and while it can’t diagnose someone’s condition, it can be a first step toward protecting the collective health of students, community, and staff.

Duress Buttons Bring Faster Responses

Modern security and surveillance systems need to give students, teachers, administrators, and school leaders that ability to respond to a threat quickly and call for help as fast as possible. This makes clearly-marked, easy-to-use duress buttons immensely important.

With MOBOTIX security systems, an integrated duress button allows people inside the facility to request immediate help from first responders. An automated notification can be sent to key staff members, alerting them to the situation, and the system can also be integrated to create a mass notification to alert everyone on campus.

Decentralized Systems Enhances Reliability

One of the top benefits for using the MOBOTIX security system is the decentralized design. Essentially, this means that each camera can function independently; if one camera goes down, the rest continue to operate.

Furthermore, there is no central box that could fail, which would result in complete failure of the system, and additional equipment can be added at a later time without upgrading other components. By having a decentralized surveillance system, you have more consistency, reliability, and dependability for a campus’s security.

Low Power Usage Allows for Placement Options

Safety and security are the most important factors for your school, but you can’t neglect the importance of energy efficiency.

MOBOTIX devices use little power, which means it has a much lower impact on total facility energy use, and a lower operating cost. But the low-energy demands also result in a rather unexpected benefit: more options for placement. There’s no need to run high-powered wiring to a specific location for the cameras, meaning they can be installed in areas that won’t support larger systems.

In the end, you will have a cost-effective solution for your school and campus.

Choosing the Right Security System

School campuses everywhere - from private, to public, to higher education - all have the same goal of keeping students, staff, and visitors safe.

Whether upgrading your current security system, or implementing a new one, consider the features that are most important, no matter the potential harm. Intelligent MOBOTIX security systems can enhance the overall safety of your campus so you're prepared and protected.